UWE - Campus Sites, Bristol

Following UWE’s purchase of 70 acres of land from neighbour Hewlett Packard in 2008, the team was instructed to provide planning advice to a multi-disciplinary Masterplanning Team appointed to develop a masterplan for the combined campus. We worked closely with the Council, key stakeholders and the local community to promote the strategic objectives for the campus through the production of a Concept Statement. We were extensively involved in a four-stage public consultation exercise, including liaison with local community representatives. This culminated in obtaining outline consent for the masterplan, along with subsequent detailed contents for a Students Union, Phases I and II of student accommodation, a new engineering building and various minor projects. 


Planning consents have also since been obtained for two new academic buildings at UWE’s Bower Ashton Campus and refurbishment works at the Glenside Campus. The former is located in a sensitive location in a Conservation Area and the latter is a Grade II listed building, also situated in a Conservation Area. PP is currently instructed to manage an application for the relocation of the Glenside Campus facilities to the Frenchay Campus.


Pearce Planning is currently on a retainer with UWE to provide on-call planning advice across a range of projects.  

Image courtesy of John Seaman Photography

We have worked with Karl for several years, going back to the initial UWE Campus masterplanning work that commenced in 2008. Over this time, Karl has provided professional advice on a wide range of projects across all of UWE’s campuses in Bristol. We have always received sound advice and have appreciated Karl’s responsiveness to queries, no matter how big or small they might be.
— Nicholas Loughlin ,Asst Director - UWE



Fraser Range, Southsea, Portsmouth