
Working in many different sectors such as Mixed Use, Student Accommodation, Residential (Open Market / Affordable, Build to Rent, Co-living), Retirement Living, Town Centre Uses - Class E, Commercial Offices, Industrial & Warehouse, Education and Community & Leisure.

The RTPI recognised our breadth of services and experience in their 2024 Planning Excellence Awards:

“In selecting this entry as commended the judges were impressed with the enviable list of clients and major project opportunities generated by this small, experienced team, specialising in student accommodation and complex sites.  Their national coverage recognises their expertise and sphere of influence in the sector.  The practice also undertakes impressive voluntary work and has links with educational institutions to help inspire the next generation of planners.”

  • pearce-planning-appraisals

    Planning Appraisals & Strategy Advice

    We provide concise summary appraisals highlighting the key planning considerations for proposals, having explored the site history and relevant policies at National and Local levels. This informs the strategy and actions required. We have also undertaken detailed site appraisals and multi-site portfolios. This is usually the first stage of work.

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    Input to Scheme Design

    We take a vested interest in the design process and work closely with the selected architect and technical team, to fully understand client ambitions and be in the best position to guide the process to resolve any potential issues at the planning stage. We add value to the design process from our extensive experience.

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    Planning Statements

    Most planning applications benefit from a co-ordinating planning statement which assists the determining authority in weighing up the issues for the site and helping to achieve a positive recommendation. We have provided statements to accompany planning applications for a variety of uses and clients. This can be undertaken in isolation from the management role of planning applications.

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    Planning Applications

    We are highly skilled at formulating planning applications and informing clients of the most appropriate form of application to suit each specific requirement. We regularly prepare and submit outline, full and hybrid planning applications and often recommend a pre-application process if time allows to assist in shaping proposals to meet Local Planning Authority expectations. We also prepare non-material amendments, minor material amendments and Certificate of Lawfulness applications.

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    Consultant Team Management

    As part of the planning and development process we can secure the services of technical advisors and architects, recommending the best fit for clients. We can also assist with managing the scope and fees of the team, as well as reviewing reports/surveys in advance of submission. This co-ordination role is important to ensure validation and we can lead this process or work with clients or their selected architect.

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    Representations and Site Promotions

    The planning process is Development Plan led with decisions being made in accordance with Adopted Plans. It is therefore important to promote land holdings or interests through this Forward Planning Process wherever possible to pave the way for future applications. Our role has successfully changed the use of large areas of land, significantly increasing land value.

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    Planning Coordination and Management

    We often perform the role of planning co-ordination for applications and this process involves not only a review of all work prepared by consultants in the lead up to the submission of the application, but also post-submission during the management of the application. We act as the applicant’s agent and co-ordinate required inputs for any responses or amendments to navigate through to a positive determination.

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    Condition Discharge / Variations (NMAs, MMAs)

    Our role on projects can commence with the initial concept stages but we are often retained throughout the development process to co-ordinate the discharge of conditions imposed on a consent, thus allowing a lawful implementation of the proposals. Non material or minor amendments are often required before or during implementation which Pearce Planning manage and co-ordinate with the LPA.

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    Advertisement Consents

    Many of the proposals we work on include the need for advertisements / signage for both the principal use and ground floor active uses. Pearce Planning can provide advice on the appropriateness of signage for a specific location on consented buildings and can prepare and manage the approval process working with clients and architects. The team have successfully obtained consents on Listed Buildings and in Conservation Areas.

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    Section 106 and CIL Advice

    Planning Obligations are part and parcel of managing major planning applications. We provide advice during the appraisal and application stages on the potential contributions and heads of terms for obligations. We work closely with legal teams to ensure the agreements are worded appropriately. We can also advise on Community Infrastructure Levy costs.

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    Appeals and Expert Witness

    Our approach is to reach an agreeable position with the Local Planning Authority whenever possible. However, there are occasions when either this is not achievable, or a political decision goes against an officer recommendation, and it is necessary to prepare and manage an appeal. We have prepared appeals using all three procedures - written representations, hearing and also acted as Expert Witness at Inquiries on some high-profile cases (e.g. Fremington Army Camp, Devon, Hope House, Bath and Gorse Hill, Swindon).

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    Site Finding

    Pearce Planning Ltd provides a site finding service for clients on an ad hoc basis. Targeted site finding can be commissioned through the preparation of a settlement assessment or Local Authority area assessment, with introductory fees agreed as per our terms. Working in the development industry we can identify opportunities for sale for alternative use or introduce sites where we act for landowners or promoters.